SDCC 2019 Mattel Hot Wheels Marvel Spider Machine GP-7
In 1978 Marvel released a Japanese television show based on Marvel's famed Spider-Man, that was geared towards the Japanese fan base. When an alien instilled motocross racer Takuya Yamashiro with amazing arachnid-like abilities, it became Takuya's responsibility to protect the citizens of Earth from the Iron Cross Army as Spider-Man! Along with his superhuman powers, Spider-Man had an arsenal of advanced technology, including his flying sports car — the Spider Machine GP-7. Flying isn't the vehicle's only ability, as this cutting-edge car is equipped with machine guns and missile launchers inside its bonnet. The Spider-Machine GP-7 is stored in the Marveller spacecraft and becomes a key component in the transformation into the giant robot superweapon the Leopardon, which is used to defeat Spider-Man's biggest, toughest enemies! Hot Wheels® authentically recreates the rare and super cool Spider Machine GP-7 in 1/64 scale, with full die-cast construction and Real Riders® wheels.